Some interesting facts about sleeping

1. Did you know that an average person spends over 200,000 hours in bed in a lifetime? A person spends far more time in bed than in any other household items including the sofa, TV or kitchen items.

2. Researchers say that we dream to solve our experiences in long-term memory; what this means is that we usually dream about things that are worth remembering. But some say that we dream about things that we want to forget - to eliminate unwanted memories that would eventually clog up our minds.

3. Every person's body is uniquely shapes and therefore it is not a flat surface! Your body is a unique combination of curves, muscles and bones that needs to be supported correctly while we sleep.

4. Lack of sleep produces higher levels of Corticosterone. It as a stress hormone makes the production brain cells reduced. It is also said that sugar levels in your body will rise dramatically due to sleep deprivation and thus would eventually make you fat. Also, prolonged hours of being awake tends to decrease daily performance which is equivalent to a blood alcohol-level of 0.05%. If you have problems getting to sleep, you could try this ebook which claims to help you fall asleep as soon as you go to bed without using any medications!

5. Researchers say that one of the top sleep distractions is the 24-hour accessibility of the internet.

6. In order to have a good night sleep, our body must first cool off, our body's temperature and the mind's sleep-wake cycle are linked together. That's why we can experience restless sleep on hot summer nights.

7. A new born baby usually results in 400 to 750 hours of sleep deprivation for parents in the first year.
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